How to register a Branch in Germany

How to Register a Branch Office in Germany: Step by Step Guide Expanding a business into Germany can be a…

Start a European Holding Company in Germany

Photo bygeralt onPixabay Considering the expansion of your business? Looking to establish a strong presence in Europe? If so, starting…

Starting a Public Company (AG) in Germany

Photo byHans onPixabay With a robust economy and a thriving start-up scene, Germany is an appealing destination for entrepreneurs looking…

Deadline to submit German corporate tax return and penalty policy of Tax Office

Photo bygeralt onPixabay The process of submitting a corporate tax return in Germany can be complex, but don’t worry. This…

How to prepare and submit Annual Reporting for Branch offices in Germany

‍ It’s crucial to understand the different business structures in Germany. Businesses can operate as a subsidiary, an independent branch,…

Annual Reporting and Corporate Tax Filing Requirements in Germany

Photo bystevepb onPixabay As a business owner in Germany, you’re required to navigate several financial obligations, one of which is…

how to establish a Partnership Company in Germany

Photo byqimono onPixabay Starting a business in Germany can be a promising venture due to the country’s robust economy and…

How to deal step by step with The Act on Working Conditions of Posted Workers in Germany

Understanding the legal and procedural aspects of outplacing staff to Germany can be complex due to the myriad of regulations…

How to deal with Supply CHain regulations in Germany when outplacing staff to German companies

Image Source: Unsplash ## Introduction Outplacing staff to Germany can seem like a daunting task, especially when considering the intricacies…

How to postpone payment of VAT on import in Germany for your business (VAT determent in Germany)

Photo bygeralt onPixabay Table of Contents Introduction The Old System The New Regulation in Context Impact on Businesses Pre-requisites for…

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